Four Toes

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I remember well the origin of Four Toes as my name for this collection.

Before my first grandchild, Zoe, was born, I dreamed I had a delightful and curious granddaughter. In my dream, she asked what I want to do when I grow up. I replied, ‘I want to share my photos.’ She looked perplexed, hesitated and then declared, ‘Oh Granddaddy, you’re so silly! Nobody wants your four toes.’

Like a rambunctious child, a wild animal rarely cooperates when being photographed. Thus, the dubious quality of photos in my Four Toes collection.

Words to live by: “All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.”

(From a hymn written by Mrs. Cecil Alexander)

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Three alert Fawns watched me exit Roan Mountain State Park Campground early one morning.

Their mother stood guard just out of my camera’s field of vision.

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Four consecutive mornings while camping at Panther Creek State Park, I saw a white Heron at home on Cherokee Lake.

Twice, I saw this magnificent bird’s handsome companion.

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A Black Swallowtail on a Buttonbush, seen at Seven Islands State Birding Park in Kodak Tennessee.

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I appreciate a wild animal who facilitates better photography.

I surprised this White-Tailed Buck, and he surprised me, as I turned a corner of Tower Trail at Ijams Nature Center.

I admire the pose he struck for me.

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This insect was so tiny I did not see it until I zoomed in to photograph these dainty Summer blossoms.

Seen at UT Gardens in my hometown of Knoxville TN.

SFT43H Copyright 2024 Steven L Madden

At the last second, I avoided stepping on this stick-like Rat Snake.

It looked like so many other sticks upon Storybook Trail at Norris Dam State Park UNTIL it curved into an “S” and began flicking its tongue.

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Speaking of headstrong females…

This Doe stood almost motionless on Dark Hollow Trail and would not budge!

We needed to pass by to finish our Big Ridge State Park loop hike. After waiting and watching for many minutes, I crept to within twenty feet before she bounded away.

Otherwise, I wonder how long our stand off might have lasted.

SFT41H Copyright 2024 Steven L Madden

Kincaid Lake State Park is better known for camping, swimming and fishing than hiking.

With stops along the way to capture images of plants, a stream and these Eastern Box Turtles, I required only an hour to hike all 2.5 miles of trails in the Falmouth KY park.

SFT40H Copyright 2024 Steven L Madden

I see Canada Geese often. This day along the French Broad River, I saw two dozen and heard others honking just out of sight.

Less common are my sightings of Cormorants, because they spook easily and hurry from sight when I get too close.

This Cormorant and her friends cooperated while I zoomed in to snap these pictures from a pedestrian bridge at Seven Islands State Birding Park.

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This friendly Amphibian greeted me as I arrived at Ozone Falls State Natural Area. It seemed to pose as I captured its image.

I might not have ventured so close had I known the Pickerel Frog is the only poisonous frog native to the U.S.

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A few exotic creatures stared my way while I snapped their photos one extraordinary day.

This Cheetah peered at me for several seconds before it resumed pacing the perimeter of its domain at Cincinnati Zoo.

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A pair of Giraffes, one cautious and one curious, also captured my attention that day at Cincinnati Zoo and Arboretum.

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I was blessed to observe this octet of Geese flying over Byrd Lake at sunset.

Images like this surprise and delight me almost every time I situate myself in nature.

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I happened upon this tiny juvenile Rabbit at the far east end of the walkable island at Seven Islands State Birding Park.

I try never to harm, or even frighten, a wild animal. This gentle creature seemed to sense I am harmless. It remained motionless the few moments I was nearby.

SFT33H Copyright 2022 Steven L Madden

Hopefully you have seen Geese flying gracefully in V-formation.

I was impressed by their grace as these Geese swam in formation on the Tennessee River near Island Home Park in South Knoxville Tennessee.

SFT32H Copyright 2023 Steven L Madden

Ready for take off? Hold on tight! Here we go!

I chuckled when I spied these Turtles at Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

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I strolled along the nature trail at Cove Lake State Park when I saw more than two dozen Canada Geese paddling and standing in shallow and serene cove water.

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Which perched first, the Turtles or the Heron?

All four were present as I walked past on a greenway in Cherokee Research Park in Knoxville Tennessee.

I presume the Heron arrived first. Otherwise, the Turtles would plop into the water when the large, squawking bird landed at their Tennessee River resting spot.

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As I left The Pinnacle overlook to begin my hike at Cumberland Gap National Historic Park, I saw this White Tailed Doe beside Ridge Trail.

She noticed me but seemed unconcerned, and continued grazing as I walked on by.

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I joined a fun group from church for an easy hike along Songbird Trail at Norris Dam.

Afterward, we lunched at Museum of Appalachia where colorful and noisy Peacocks entertained us while we ate.

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I could score points with my daughter-in-law, Jamie, if she believed I raise Chickens and Roosters at my Knoxville Tennessee home.

Alas, these Red Head Cock Roosters are kept at Knoxville Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. I know not why; perhaps merely to entertain visitors like me.

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I returned to Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens for my second annual visit during the Zoo Blooms festival.

Tulips and other blooming flowers were amazing, just like last April.

Numerous animals were active and photogenic, including this Black Rhinoceros.

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Is any bird larger and more graceful than a Great Blue Heron?

This Great Blue stood as a statue beside Clinch River at Norris Dam near Rocky Top Tennessee.

When it lifted off and glided across the river, it evinced grace and glory.

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This exquisite Lizard remained motionless for several minutes very near my resting place on an outcropping called White Rocks in Cumberland Gap National Historic Park.

After I finished my snack and rose to take photographs of Poor Valley, the friendly creature crept away over a boulder’s edge.

SFT23H Copyright 2022 Steven L Madden

I made a friend one Autumn day.

This Warbler introduced itself to me while I worked in my back yard. For about an hour, it flitted about me, alighting within a few feet as I rested from raking leaves.

My new feathered friend posed for me as I snapped several photographs. What a delight!

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When I visit Cades Cove early morning, I rarely miss seeing deer in this Smoky Mountains woods and meadow area.

Early mornings and late evenings tend also to display more pleasant scenery, as on this fine February morning.


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Perhaps the Doe lingered a while longer because I watched her from behind a Dogwood tree.

Photographed near the Lawson Cemetery in Cades Cove, an area of Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Townsend, Tennessee.


SFT03H Copyright 2021 Steven L Madden

I once counted more than three dozen Eastern Newts in their eft (juvenile) stage at Frozen Head State Park.

On this morning in May, as I hiked in Roan Mountain State Park, three Newts displayed their tangerine orange color. This one froze while I took a closeup.


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I encountered a parcel of White Tailed Deer during an afternoon trek at Panther Creek State Park near Talbott, Tennessee.

These did not bolt as Deer often do when I approach. Instead, they stood their ground and eyed me warily as I took a few photos then crept away.


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Doug and I steered a pair of WaveRunners upstream and glided a few nautical miles thataway before we returned to home base.

We discovered these two Heron nests in a remote lake cove near the mouth of Tellico River.


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This Snail was out of its shell early the morning I chased a sunrise at Natural Bridge State Park near Slade, Kentucky.

What other creatures can you name that carry their homes on their backs?


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A pleasant Sunday afternoon and an annual Tulip festival called Zoo Blooms attracted throngs of people to Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden.

This Red-Crowned Crane was one among several unfamiliar animals I saw that day.


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When someone in the crowd spooked the Giraffes, I snapped this action shot of three long-necked creatures galloping away from spectators.

My animal and flower images turned out well that Sunday. However, the best aspect for me was being with Jonathan, Rachael and Zoe all day. It was my great privilege to join my granddaughter for her first trip to the Zoo.


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Although I did not see them near ducklings, I presume these are Papa Duck and Mama Duck.

They posed for me at Fountain City Lake, which from my youth I have called The Duck Pond.


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This quintet of ducklings paddled equidistant between their mother and marshes at Fountain City Lake in North Knoxville.

Apparently, this Mama Duck instructed her youngsters to stay close to land.


SFT11V Copyright 2022 Steven L Madden

I tried to make this Rabbit appear to live in the wild. In reality, it rested on a lawn two hops from a city sidewalk.

I walked by the City County Building in Knoxville, Tennessee when I captured this fun photo. That was the day I met with my attorney about registering a Four Toes trademark.


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On occasion I encounter six or more Box Turtles in a single day at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

On this day, I counted four of the reptiles whose houses resemble abstract art.


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A Roan Mountain State Park visitor pointed out this Banded Water Snake beneath a bridge that crosses Doe River.

I took several photos of the reptile as it moved through the water then slithered onto a boulder to sun itself. Fascinating!


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This bird thinks he owns the place.

He and a few other male Peacocks wander the grounds at Museum of Appalachia near Norris, Tennessee.

What a muster of show offs!


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Two friends and I hiked 1.3 miles to Laurel Falls near Sugarlands Visitor Center in the Smokies when Larry saw a Great Blue Heron moving upstream.

I was glad to capture this scene as the large bird in flight landed on a nearly-submerged rock.


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There is a Zoo at Grandfather Mountain State Park near Banner Elk, North Carolina. I paid the fare and visited the attraction.

This pair of River Otters emerged dripping wet from a pond to pose for me.


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I hope you agree that I should include an insect in my Four Toes collection.

Although not precisely in focus, I love the color contrast between the Moth and the Wild Blue Phlox it pollinated.


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I took my bike and rode paved trails one morning at Seven Islands State Birding Park near Kodak, Tennessee.

After biking past the welcome barn, I saw a dozen or more White-Tailed Deer. A few scampered upon my arrival, but these remained in place for several minutes before casually walking into the woods.


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This Great Blue Heron posed for me early one morning just above the Weir Dam below TVA’s Norris Dam.


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I encountered this creature twice near his pond at Seven Islands State Birding Park near Kodak, Tennessee.

At least ten inches long, this is the largest Snapping Turtle I recall seeing. I kept a safe distance and zoomed in for this photo.


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This bronze Doberman Pinscher rests in front of the small animal hospital at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine in Knoxville.

Sculptor Susan Bahary entitled her work “Always Faithful.”


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This appears to be an animal print in the wild. Actually, it is one of a few replica prints cast in concrete near Mead’s Quarry Lake at Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

You and I should learn to appreciate God’s creatures however and wherever we can.


July - October 2024 Featured Photos


Nature Seen